Atheist Christopher Hitchens Diagnosed with Cancer

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Excerpt The militant God-hater, Christopher Hitchens, has been diagnosed with throat cancer, Fox News is reporting. Hitchens is well known for his hatred of God and the Christian faith. Despite his irrational anti-theism, we admonish all followers of Christ who read this post to pray that the sovereign spirit of God convict him that his worldview is entirely false, he has sinned against a just and holy God, and that he repent and receive Jesus Christ as God and Savior. It is not our place as Christians to say the specific reasons why Mr. Hitchens has this disease. We only know that God often uses illness as a means to bring people to repentance and faith. We can only hope Mr. Hitchens responds... Continue reading

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The militant God-hater, Christopher Hitchens, has been diagnosed with throat cancer, Fox News is reporting. Hitchens is well known for his hatred of God and the Christian faith. Despite his irrational anti-theism, we admonish all followers of Christ who read this post to pray that the sovereign Spirit of God convict him that his worldview is entirely false, he has sinned against a just and holy God, and that he repent and receive Jesus Christ as God and Savior. It is not our place as Christians to say the specific reasons why Mr. Hitchens has contracted this disease. We only know that God often uses illness as a means to bring people to repentance and faith. We can only hope Mr. Hitchens responds.

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7/22/2010 2:40 PM #

I really hope Hitchens realises his need of Jesus and repents.

Bob - 7/22/2010 2:40:59 PM

8/13/2010 10:49 AM #

Dear Atheist Friends,

We have received several obnoxious posts, objecting to our article here. If you want your comment posted, it has to be something intelligent and not just an irrational diatribe. Come on guys...can't you do better? If you are so sure God doesn't exist, surely you can use your "reason" in a more constructive fashion, eh?


ABR - 8/13/2010 10:49:49 AM

9/13/2010 4:21 AM #

Is it not a foundation of Christianity to "love thy neighbour" and all that jazz? I'm well aware that an outspoken atheist like Hitchens has pissed you guys off in the past, but do you really think it's reasonable to pray for his death? I know you've already stated that you do not condone the behaviours of those christians who did so, but to say that God decided his illness is a little bit of a stretch surely, when the statistics of esophageal cancer show a strong correlation rate with heavy smoking and alcohol intake. Does this mean to say that God put those cigarettes and booze in his hands? Doesn't sound very fatherly if you ask me..

SJ - 9/13/2010 4:21:27 AM

9/13/2010 2:40 PM #

Dear SJ,

It is so amazing to us here at ABR how poorly atheists understand Christian theology, how much they misrepresent our views, and how illogical their own worldview is.

1. We did not pray for Mr. Hitchens' death. We implored people to pray for his salvation, which is far more compassionate then letting someone continue walking down a path that leads to judgment and doom.

2. While Mr. Hitchens is likely to have contributed to his own health issues by drinking and smoking, there are not always these obvious causal connections in cases of cancer. Some very healthy people with very healthy lifestyles get cancer. There are others who smoke for 50 years who never get cancer. Cancer, ultimately, exists because of man's sin and rebellion against God. Death and disease is the result of man's rejection of God and his authority.

3. Facing the reality of death should wake people up to their utter helplessness before the holiness, righteousness and justice of God. Instead, death is rationalized as a normal part of the human condition. It is NOT normative. Rather, is an atrocious enemy of human well-being. Death is judgment and horror and should break our hearts so that we repent and turn to God in Jesus Christ for mercy.

4. God is the Creator of all humanity, but humanity has rejected him. The results are catastrophic. If one wants God to be 'fatherly', then one must receive his Son to be properly reconciled to God as Father. He has provided the means for us to know Him AS Father.

5. Calamity is often the only means by which a person will awaken out of their rebellion against God and repent. We cannot say what God's purposes are in any particular circumstance, because He is omniscient and we are fallible. Our point was to say that is it POSSIBLE that cancer will break Hitchens' rebellious stance and bring him to repentance. The result for Hitchens would be blessed eternal life with God, which far outweighs cancer.

Lastly, God Himself in Christ suffered the eternal penalty for death on our behalf. Christ suffered infinitely greater that any human being has ever suffered. He took the judgment of God upon Himself for us, so that we do not have to endure judgment. Death has been defeated for those who are willing to accept the death and resurrection of God's Son, and repent of their sin and believe in Jesus.

We implore you and Mr. Hitchens to do the same. We are not mean-spirited or without compassion. Mr. Hitchens has done enormous damage to his fellow man by deceiving them into thinking God does not exist. God will judge him for that. Yet, we ask for our brethren to pray for him so that he might avoid that judgment and believe in the One who took that judgment upon Himself in Mr. Hitchens' place.

THAT is loving thy neighbor...


Henry Smith

ABR - 9/13/2010 2:40:58 PM

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