Research Articles: All posts tagged 'egypt'

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For Dust Thou Art and Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return 2/28/2017 - by Gary Byers MA

I am writing this article from the Holy Land where I am excavating the palace on an ancient acropolis. It has thick walls of mudbrick constructed on stone foundations...

Confessions of an Armchair Archaeologist 5/5/2016 - by Vanessa Morton

In memory of Vanessa Morton, ABR supporter, author and archaeology enthusiast, who went home to be with Christ on May 3, 2016.

"New Evidence from Underground" radio interview 2/2/2016 - by Rick Lanser MDiv

Are the stories of the Bible history, or mythology? The science of archaeology can help to provide the answer. On January 30, 2016, Kevin Conover of the Educate for Life radio program interviewed Dr. Scott Stripling and Dr. Bryant Wood of ABR.

The Sons of Jacob: New Evidence for the Presence of the Israelites in Egypt 1/28/2016 - by Bryant G. Wood PhD

When Jacob and his family migrated to Egypt, they were settled in “the land of Rameses.” The Bible tells us, in fact, that they became property owners there (Gn 47:11, 27). During their time in Egypt, the Israelites were used as slave laborers to build the city of Rameses (Ex 1:11), and when they left after 430 years (Ex 12:40), they departed from Rameses (Ex 12:37). From these references, we can conclude that the Israelites spent the years of the Egyptian Sojourn in and around Rameses...

Egyptian War Correspondents and the Biblical Giants 2/27/2015 - by Rob Sullivan

The one event that shaped the world more than any other during the last century was World War II. Conservative estimates place the number killed during the conflict as well north of 55,000,000 ( In Europe, the war officially began in September of 1939 with Germany’s invasion of Poland. Over succeeding months, the German Wehrmacht would sweep through and take Norway, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Monumental Misconceptions 5/20/2011 - by Henry B. Smith Jr. MA

Recently, we received an email from a visitor named "Jenny". Jenny made a long list of claims about the Bible. Sadly, most people hold these views because of what they read on the internet or watch on TV. Many have been lied to by their unbelieving college professors and mentors. Some even learn these erroneous views about the Bible in Christian colleges and seminaries! In providing this rather long and detailed response, it is our hope that "Jenny" and others like her will seriously reconsider the authority of the Bible and its author, Yahweh, and the claims of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Bible According to Karnak 8/13/2009 - by Gary Byers MA

The Bible indicates that many important Biblical characters spent time in Egypt: Abraham (Gn 12:10–13:1, Jacob (Gn 46–50), Joseph (Gn 39–50), Moses (Ex 2–12), Joshua, (Nm 14:26–30), Jeremiah (Jer 43:6–8) and even baby Jesus (Mt 2:14–21). Trade routes led from Canaan directly to the Nile delta region, where Goshen was located. Called Lower Egypt because the Nile flows from the mountains in the south (Upper Egypt) to the Mediterranean Sea in the north, this is the part of Egypt where most Biblical characters lived and Biblical events took place...

A Critical Analysis of the Evidence from Ralph Hawkins for a Late-Date Exodus-Conquest 3/16/2009 - by Bryant Wood and Rodger Young

Ralph Hawkins sidesteps the insurmountable problems associated with a late-date exodus-conquest and offers five arguments which he suggests may open up the possibility of a renewed consideration of the Late Date Exodus-Conquest as a viable choice for evangelicals...

Historical Synchronisms and the Date of the Exodus 11/7/2008 - by Charles Aling PhD

For those that hold a high view of Scripture and believe the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt actually happened, there are two major positions today regarding when that event occurred...

New Discoveries at Rameses 10/26/2008 - by Bryant G. Wood PhD

In the Spring 2004 issue of Bible and Spade, I reported on the important discovery of a royal precinct at Rameses, the setting of events recorded in the early chapters of Exodus. The article summarizes the results of excavations undertaken from 1993 to 2000. In the present article I would like to bring readers up to date with the results of further work at the site in the fall of 2004 and spring of 2005, based on a preliminary report published by the excavators...

Israel in Egypt 9/24/2008 - by Gary Byers MA

The main route between Canaan and Egypt was along the northern coast of Sinai. A number of Biblical figures no doubt traveled this road. Known to the Egyptians as “the Way of Horus,” and in the Bible as “the road through the Philistine country” (Ex 13:17), it ended in the eastern delta in the Goshen region. This is the part of Egypt where most Biblical characters lived and Biblical events took place...

Egypt and the Bible 7/26/2008 - by Gary Byers MA

Throughout history, Egyptians lived almost exclusively in the Nile River Valley and its expanded delta. Only ten percent of Egypt’s surface, it has supported 99 percent of the nation’s population from earliest times...

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